
The Mission of ESAFF Eswatini Empowering small scale farmers in Swaziland to influence development policies and promote ecological agriculture through capacity strengthening, farmer led research, campaigns and networking.


The Vision of ESAFF Eswatini is a strong, effective Forum of empowered small scale farmers which aims at migrating the small scale farmer from a subsistent to a commercial scale.

Aims and Objectives

The aims and objectives of the organization are as follows:

  1. To initiate the development and establishment of educational projects to alleviate illiteracy, improve and raise quality of agriculture and related activities to small scale farmers.
  2. To carry out field projects, educational programs, research and workshops on different arrears of study so as to enable people to alleviate ignorance in the small scale farming.
  3. Creating increased small scale farmers’ awareness about the potential and capacity to defend their rights, needs, interests and demands socially, economically and culturally.
  4. Advocating for small scale farmers rightful positions in society within respective regions.
  5. Mobilizing for self-organization and collective voice amongst small scale farmers in Swaziland.
  6. Fostering the practice of a sustainable and viable agriculture practices for the benefit of small scale and the general public.
  7. To work in partnership with like-minded actors nationally.
  8. To buy, acquire, own, improve, lease, hire, mortgage, dispose of and deal in property including land, buildings, stocks, shares, securities and other assets.
  9. To open and operate a bank account and to draw, make, accept, endorse, discount, execute and issue promissory notes, cheques, warrants and other related instruments.
  10. To assist in the promotion of any organization or association having objectives similar to those of our organization.
  11. Subject to any consent required by law, to sell, lease or otherwise dispose of all or part of the property owned by the organization.